Tale as Old as Time / Beauty and The Beast - moohako Music Box Tune

Tale as Old as Time / Beauty and The Beast - moohako Music Box Tune

When comes to Disney cartoon, the tale of Belle's and the Beast is no stranger to every generation, more so even after the remake of the cartoon into a movie in year of 2017. 

We believed that the theme song sang by Mrs Pott during the iconic dance in the great golden hall under the massive chandelier is the first thing that came into mind when you think of this cartoon. The song name - some said it's Beauty and The Beast, some called it Tale as Old as Time. Either way, it's the same song that we are talking about, originally recorded by Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson. Introducing here the 18 note music box version of the song which you may listen it through the video below.

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